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[討論] 【東京暗鴉】東京闇鴉簡介主要幾位女性角色介紹

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-6-23 11:52
  • 簽到天數: 15 天


    發表於 2013-12-27 14:00:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
    本帖最后由 ian101 于 2013-12-27 14:06 编辑

    土御門夏目(Natsume Tsuchimikado)
    Harutora's childhood friend. She is a prodigal onmyouji attending school in Tokyo. During summer break, she comes to Harutora's town to interrupt his peaceful life by holding him to the promise he made long ago to become her familiar. She is heir to the Tsuchimikado family and is assumed to be the reincarnation of Yakou Tsuchimikado. As a family tradition, she has to present herself as male in front of other onmyoji families. She has a Gohou-Type shikigami (Defense Familiars) called Hokuto, a true dragon spirit that has served the main family of Tsuchimikados for generations.
    土御門家本家出身的16歲少女,與春虎是童年玩伴。黑髮長及腰際,容貌清秀, 體型纖細到即使扮男裝也不會被拆穿。 小時候性格顯得內向乖巧,現在則變得有些認真易怒,而因為怕生的緣故有與他人保持距離的傾向。因為複雜的環境背景與怕生的個性, 幾乎沒有能稱上朋友的親近之人,春虎可說是唯一的例外,因而對他抱有強烈的好感,但春虎過於遲鈍而未能注意到她那明顯的表現。 深具陰陽師天賦,已被指名繼任土御門下任當家之位。被傳言為土御門夜光的轉生,因此周圍一直騷動不已,更被崇拜夜光的狂熱信徒視之為王。 然而夏目本人並沒有夜光的記憶,也不相信自己是夜光轉生。
    責任心重且非常固執,被本家的各種「家規」束縛,其中之一便是繼承人對外言行 須如男子。因此,在陰陽塾中一直以男裝示人, 然而偽裝的程度可說是破綻百出,除了用咒術偽裝靈氣以外就只是使用男性口吻等粗淺手段而已,但因為夏目的社交圈過於狹隘等緣故, 在春虎轉學前的半年間竟沒有人發現。平常行事冷靜,但其實不擅長應付突發事故,在緊張的狀態下容易忘我的露出本性。

    Harutora's childhood friend. She had a romantic relationship with Harutora and got really jealous when Harutora was kissed by Suzuka. During his next encounter with Suzuka, she sacrifices herself to save Harutora from Suzuka's shikigami Tsuchigumo, revealing herself to be a shikigami. Hokuto is actually Natsume's shikigami, who Natsume used as a medium to be close to Harutora. Hokuto's 'death' was what prompted Harutora to become Natsume's shikigami. She shares her name with another shikigami called Hokuto, a dragon.
    春虎的好友,神秘的少女,沒有人知道她的來歷。外表可愛,個性活潑易怒,男孩子氣的言行讓春虎評言說她就像一個男人婆。 從高中開始突然希望春虎成為陰陽師,總是來勸說他。喜歡春虎。 真身為式神,在大連寺鈴鹿事件中為救春虎而被破壞,消失前向春虎告白。 事後經由夏目告知春虎本人-也就是操控她的的術者仍存活在世上,而再見到她一面也成了春虎踏入陰陽界的目的之一。 其實北斗的真身就是夏目,原本只是用來練習術法和男孩子的語氣,因為一場誤會而造成無法坦白,之後就一直以來用這個身分和春虎在一起。 雖然後來夏目戴上了北斗在祭典上向春虎要來的粉紅緞帶來暗示春虎,但春虎還是沒發覺北斗就是夏目,不過冬兒一見到夏目便發覺了, 並對沒發覺的春虎感嘆說蠢虎這個外號實在適合他。

    Harutora's shikigami. A diminutive silver-fox spirit who wears miko-like clothing and wields a wakazashi. She has been by Harutora's side since the moment he became Natsume's shikigami, but due to his low spiritual power and awareness, he was unable to hear or see her. A rare Gohou-type shikigami, she possesses independent thought and actions and is fiercely loyal to her master, and even gets jealous when Harutora associates with other girls.
    春虎的護法式,是春虎前往陰陽塾前從父親手上得到的禮物,外觀是像人偶一樣可愛、白髮藍眼的年幼少女, 是個有著狐狸的耳朵與尾巴的靈狐式神。對春虎有著可說是過剩的忠誠與敬慕,對他人則抱著表面恭維內心卻高傲自大的態度, 對任何汙辱春虎的人都會大發雷霆的暴走。 嫉妒心很重,討厭接近春虎的女性,尤其是身為春虎主人兼青梅竹馬的夏目,不過在某個利益一致的狀況下會有協力的時候。

    倉橋京子(Kyōko Kurahashi)
    The Granddaughter of the director of the Onmyo Prep School and heir to the Kurahashi family. She is part of the top students in the school and one of only 3 known students to posses a Gohou-Type shikigami which consists of two Yaksha demon class warrors called Hakuou & Kokfuu. Initially she appears antagonistic towards Harutora (and by extension Natsume) due suspicion of using his family's fame and status of being Natsume's shikigami to suddenly enroll directly into the elite academy at mid semester. After a series of events, she reconciles with Harutora establishing a friendship based on common ground. she also reveals two surprising truths; first being, that Kurahashi's were once a branch family of the Tsuchimikado's. Second, she had once visited Tsuchimikado's home as very young child and Kyouko had made a certain promise with Natsume at the at time. But once they had reunited again Natsume treated her like a complete stranger, frustrated at having her feelings trampled she used Harutora as a pretext to start fights with Natsume. However ironically in reality, the person she met that day wasn't Natsume, but Harutora who she mistook as Natsume. After helping Harutora save Natsume from a Yakou Disciple the two also make up. This later casues her to admit to Harutora that she still in love with Natsume not knowing she not a guy. Kyouko now plans to further her relationship with Natsume and forces a reluctant Harutora to help her as payment for Yakou Disciple incident.
    春虎的同班同學,是現陰陽界最有權勢的倉橋家千金,有著如偶像明星般亮眼的外貌。成績優秀, 在同學級的陰陽生中僅次於夏目,也是少數擁有護法式的人。個性有些爭強好勝,但也有著愛照顧人的姐姐氣質,在隊伍中起協調緩和作用。 幼時與土御門家的某位男孩結識,並許下某約定,而這份約定漸漸衍生成戀慕。因與他人一樣認為夏目是男性, 所以誤認她就是當年交換過約定的男孩(其實是春虎),對夏目懷有愛慕之情,但因不了解夏目的態度而漸漸演變成比較與衝突。 對中途入學的春虎有所衝突,但於後來和解。 由於倉橋家原本也是土御門的分家,所以京子算是春虎與夏目的親戚。

    大連寺鈴鹿(Suzuka Dairenji )
    The youngest of the Twelve Divine Generals nicknamed "the Prodigy". She is a wanted criminal for researching and using forbidden magic. She comes to town searching for Natsume to make her as an offering in a Taizan Fukun Ritual to revive her brother. She researched on Yakou Tsuchimikado and his Taizan Fukun Ritual in order to bring her brother back to life. This leads her into conflict with the Onmyo Agency. Although being a powerful onmouji, she is regarded as the weakest Divine General as stated by Reiji Kagami. She is the daughter of Shidou Dairenji. She was guilty for her actions which lead to Hokuto's death but Harutora releases her from her guilt when he reveals that Hokuto was remotely controlled by its user. Most of her magic was temporarily sealed by Onmyo Agency and she later enrolls in the Onmyo Academy as her punishment for the incident in the country side. She harbors romantic feelings for Harutora.年約在中學生左右的可愛少女,雙魚座(從動漫第11集中,她對雙魚的介紹很感興趣)。「十二神將」之一,專門研究「帝式」的研究者,因是以最年少身分得到國家一級陰陽師資格的天才,故有「神童」之稱。但相對於優秀的咒術才能,精神面卻還不成熟,為復活亡故兄長而欲舉行靈魂禁術「泰山府君祭」,找上了被傳言為夜光轉生的夏目。在儀式的最後一刻,被夏目與春虎聯手阻止,隨後被陰陽廳咒搜部逮捕。鑒於事件的起點在於鈴鹿尚未成熟的心理與價值觀,作為懲罰在監禁半年後送進陰陽塾上學以培養正常的倫理觀念,同時無限期停止國家一級陰陽師的資格,靈力也被陰陽廳廳長倉橋源司封印。在春虎他們升上二年級時,成為陰陽塾一年級生。因出眾的實力與可愛的容姿,被陰陽廳當作形象代言人,即便是一般民眾有所耳聞,更被陰陽塾眾學生視為偶像。平時在外人面前裝做親和的偶像模樣,但其實本性十分傲慢好強又彆扭,不過實質上內在也有柔弱的一面,只是會藉由偽裝來掩蓋內在而已。某種程度來講跟夏目的情況很相似。對率直的春虎抱有複雜的感情,時常找他與夏目的麻煩,卻不擅長應付京子。

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